Sport Psychology Consultant For Gymnasts & Danger Sports

Tel: 07887 686645

Kai Henstock

Sport performance specialist working with gymnasts, coaches and clubs.

Psychology For Gymnastics

Adding a layer of psychological expertise to talented athletes and coaches.

Knowledge is power, know yourself ...
kai henstock sport psychology

Hi, I'm Kai Henstock (MSc Applied Sport Psychology - University of Winchester) and I help athletes overcome fear and anxiety in gymnastics and other 'danger' sports such as: Acrobatics, Motorsport, Diving, Winter sports, Combat and full contact sports.

Suffering with fear or anxiety performing skills in your sport?

Struggling with injury, rehabilitation or a return to sport? Unable to take your training performances into competition? I can help you.



Observation and discussion with athlete in their training environment.

Assessment of psychological challenges.

Individually tailored psychological interventions planned and delivered.

A multi-disciplinary team approach including athlete, coach, parents and club.

On-going guidance and support for athlete.



Solution-focussed advice and guidance based on coaches experiences.

What to do when athletes injury themselves performing skills.

How to facilitate athletes returning from injury or illness.

Awareness of the Indicators that athletes need help.



A 12 week on-site programme for athletes and coaches, exploring psychological skills and techniques used by elite athletes to overcome fear and anxiety.

  • Psychological expertise for gymnasts and coaches.
  • 12 week course (3 hours per week) delivered on-site.
  • 10 psychological challenges explored.
  • Individual gymnast interventions during training.
  • Psychology advice for coaches during sessions.

Gymnastics and Danger Sports

I specialise in helping athletes overcome fear and anxiety in gymnastics and other 'danger' sports such as: Acrobatics, Motorsport, Diving, Winter sports, Combat and full contact sports.

Whether you are unable or struggling to perform a skill, returning from injury or want to add a layer of understanding into how your mind processes difficult challenges in sport. This may be an opportunity to move forward with a different mindset based on truth, positivity and growth. I believe athletes can not only come back from these challenges, but come back better, mentally stronger with the skills to deal with future challenges before they impact performance.



Providing sport specific psychology services to athletes and coaches with a humanistic, counselling emphasis.

'Danger' Sports

  • Motorsport Psychology - mental performance for drivers and riders
  • Diving Psychology - mental skills, resilience, and a positive mindset
  • Combat and Contact Sports Psychology - fencing, boxing, martial arts etc.
  • Winter / Snow Sports Psychology - skiing, snowboarding, figure skating ...
  • Acrobats Psychology

Rapport and relationship building

In order to help athletes, they need to trust that my only interest is in their wellbeing. A huge part of my role is to build relationships which facilitate honest disclosure about the challenges facing them, where they originate and how they impact training and competing.



“It's just so good to see my daughter tumbling with confidence after struggling for so long. Kai helped her figure it out.”

Jess - Hampshire



“Kai's ability to communicate psychology and gain the trust of gymnasts is extremely effective.”

Tom - Winchester

Please get in touch:

Please call us with any questions you may have.

07887 686645 or email us HERE